Our School

Our Philosophy

Since 1996 in Ferney-Voltaire

Teach languages to people of all ages and levels ​​for work, exams, school and fun!

No matter when you call on us, the quality and teaching of the lessons, as well as the friendliness and warm welcome of our staff will be there for you.

Our teachers, mother tongue or perfectly bilingual, graduates of higher education, will share their passion and experience ​​with you. They will be available and able to adapt to your most important needs. Quality teaching will bring you to the highest level of learning.

Don’t hesitate, visit your nearest center !

Need information about our services ?

Everything we do is custom. We help you adapt enrolment formulas to your personal situation.

entree the jacklin language center avec mascotte

Our Team




Agency Manager

Katrin BECK

German Teacher

Martha Garnica

Spanish Teacher

Delphine BILLOT

French as a Foreign Language Teacher

Kelsey LE LANN

English Teacher

Géraldine LEPAGE

English and French Teacher

Our Sites


Centre d’Aumard

(Information, enrollment )
37 avenue Voltaire
01210 Ferney-Voltaire


Les Floralies

151 rue de la Gare
01710 Thoiry

Our certifications

certification qualiopi

Tailor-Made Language Courses

We are here to accompany you